#DBlogWeek Day 5 Tips and Tricks
Let's round out the week by sharing our best diabetes tips and diabetes tricks. From how you organize supplies to how you manage gear on...
#DBlogWeek Day 4 The Healthcare Experience
Most people who live with a chronic illness end up with a lot of experience when it comes to dealing with healthcare. How would you...
#DBlogWeek Day 3 Language and Diabetes
From BittersweetDiabetes: There is an old saying that states “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. I'm ...
#DBlogWeek Day 2 The Other Side of Diabetes
Diabetes not only takes a physical toll but also an emotional one. We all have days--whether you are a person with diabetes or a...
#DBlogWeek Day 1 Message Monday
Who are the people behind ProjectBlueNovember? Why do we do what we do? What is our message? We are officially a group of moms whose kids...
#D Blog Week - 7th Annual! Join in!
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